Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolutions 2010 ~Timarie

I'm just really not into resolutions this year... I actually don't think that the reality of the new year has even hit me... maybe that is why :) But alas I have a few... and also a few things I just want to do this year!

1) Take time just to chill, not think about anything, truly de-stress/relax. (I know you are all rolling your eyes knowing this won't happen, but really I'm going to try)
2) Go to a concert
3) Figure out a way to GET UP when the alarm goes off. (this was last year's and I failed terribly)
4) Spend more time intentionally studying and applying the preached word to my life.
5) Do Rosetta Stone regularly and be near fluent my the end of the year!

and those are the only things I've thought about thus far... maybe the New Year will hit me in the days to come... ~T

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